Having a great week so far. Just thought I would share a couple random things with all of you. Oh and a quick Manor update as well!
Meet Brumbiddle. I received him as a Yule gift a few years ago. He watches over our front door and makes sure no mischief occurs (other than his own...)
I am moving my craft room from upstairs to this unused downstairs parlor room. In the winter it will be much cozier to work and the light is great. I just need to clear out the clutter before I re-fill it with other clutter! I have made a promise to myself that I am going to organize my supplies.
The first two washes are on the portico. There is a dark umber-ish color under a grey wash. Two more layers of wash will probably be enough.
Another view
Here is the final roof after an additional wash of murk.
Me looking kind of crazy. Fitting.
Speaking of crazy, I read on one of my Yahoo groups about these Dollar Tree mini glass bottles and bought out their stock. I have over a hundred of them now. They will be perfect as herb and potion bottles in my upcoming Occult Shop project. I can't get myself just to dump out the glittery stuff that came inside them but I am not a glitter person at all. I will replace the plastic stoppers with ones from clay. It will be a fun side project.